Thursday, August 2, 2007


I was surprised to see that Best Buy had given me a little dividend in my IRA and it's already been reinvested in partial shares. Some bloggers post a nice table of historical dividend returns, and it's really cool to see how (pretty much) each time the dividend gets a little bit bigger. So I'm going to start doing that. At least it'll give me something to post about! Hmm, well since most of my investing money is in Scottrade still, which doesn't have free dividend reinvestment, you won't see the same exciting compounding action. But most of the companies I invest in have a history of raising their dividend periodically, so there will be at least some increase. Anyway, without further ado:


  • July 2007 - $36.51

  • July 2007 - $2.10, reinvested into 0.021 shares

  • July 2007 - $2.00, reinvested into 0.046 shares

  • Coming in September...

GE (Scottrade)
  • July 2007 - $28.00

GE (TD Ameritrade)
  • July 2007 - $5.60, reinvested into 0.139 shares

  • Coming in September...


Product Reviews said...

AAV all the way!

Anonymous said...

nice dividends! I hope I can work my way up to having a portfolio that spread out over many different companies. Keep it up!

Dimples said...

I can't wait till I am in the position to be able to invest. Gotta get that debt down first.