Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Holy cow batman

On a whim I just logged into Google AdSense and saw that I have actually made some money -- 36 cents! I'm not being sarcastic when I say that I never expected to make that much money with this blog.

The reason I put an ad on my blog was that I was intensely curious what sorts of ads would be shown. At first it was stuff like "Hot penny stocks!" and "This stock is poised to EXPLODE!" and I was rather disappointed. But the other day I saw an ad for a report on Warren Buffet's portfolio. Now we're talking.


Anonymous said...

congrats! lol you should have some more money show up today ;)

SavingDiva said...

Congrats on the change! Keep on blogging and you may receive one of those miraculous $100 checks from google! :)

Product Reviews said...

Almost all the bloggers I know have had their Adsense accounts revoked for fraudulent clicks, so be careful to follow their terms of service to the letter.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm with Zachary on that - be careful. I got my account banned myself recently. Since I don't publish anonymously, one of my friends who reads the blog thought he would help me out by clicking. Poof, and I was gone. They don't warn you, and recourse is pretty limited. I don't really care financially, but it's probably one of the more upsetting things that has happened to me. I feel like my good name has been tainted without recourse.